Light a Candle for Peace

There go our youngsters with their wish and a prayer for world peace: Light a candle for peace.
a message of solidarity to children in Ukraine and their families
This is the cry of the children forming the junior chorus of the Aurora Opera House. We’ve seen them performing in the big opera on our stage. But we’ve also seen them doing their smaller productions of their own.
As they’re working their socks off for an upcoming lovely musical mini-concert for Mother’s Day, they were very keen in sending this message of solidarity to children in Ukraine and their families.
Our children read stories. Our children hear the news. Our children are indeed sensitive (and sensible) on what’s happening around them. They know the bigger problem’s not their doing, and they know their little song won’t change history. But they are acutely aware that they can help transmit a message of hope to those whom hope is all they have.
love is the only true answer to hatred and the only sustainable way to settle wars.
May this song inspire all the children in conflict hit zones, Ukraine and elsewhere, to hope, hold on and emerge victorious, not with a steely heart full of revenge, but with a peaceful resolution that love is the only true answer to hatred and the only sustainable way to settle wars.
This is Shelley Murley’s Light a Candle for Peace, which our children first sang in an open-air summer concert “A Song for Peace” at Gozo’s Cittadella on 7th August 2018. Filmed at the Teatru tal-Opra Aurora on Sunday 6th March 2022.
Light a candle for peace
Light a candle for love
Light a candle that shines
All the way around the world
Light a candle for me
Light a candle for you
That our wish for world peace
Will one day come true.
Sing peace around the world.
The Aurora Youth Choir’s children would like to thank Joseph Bonnici and the Aurora’s senior management for the filming and the location, and invite you to stay tuned for their upcoming event on 8th May 2022.