The Madama Butterfly of 7 January 1977 in Gozo marked a historic event – the first of what was to become a genre in its own might – known to us today as Opera in Gozo, brought to us, in good part thanks to the Philharmonic Societies of Victoria. And as it celebrates its 160th anniversary (since 1863),

A charity collection run during the concert in aid of the European Parliament’s Generators of Hope campaign for the Ukrainian population raised €1,360. Upon completion of his work, Paul Stellini announced that he will auction his work to add to that amount.

The Leone Grand Christmas Variety at the Teatru tal-Opra Aurora was the main event in the Christmas-in-Gozo programme, run by the Directorate for Cultural Heritage within the Ministry for Gozo, on the Friday before Christmas, 23rd December. Gozo-based artist Paul A. Stellini was asked to live-paint the band and audience at the Aurora Opera House on the special